Friday, December 5, 2008

Bravo Stephen Harper & Lois Brown

Thank you Stephen Harper for listening. The Christian Heritage Party made as part of our election platform in the 58 ridings we ran in the idea that the government hand out of funds which only ends up going to the ruling parties is unfair. Mr. Harper listened, even when it seemed that candidates in the ridings for his party did not always understand this issue.

This unfair tax was started by the Liberals under Prime Minister Trudeau. At the time the Progressive Conservative Party vowed it would get rid of this tax when they came to power. By the time they came to power under Prime Minister Mulrouney they had long forgotten this campaign pledge. The rational for this 30 Million dollar tax on Canadian citizens which is passed to the ruling parties was at the time stated to be to assist parties who did not have injection of moneys from big business interests to help their campaigns. It was said to level the playing field. The PC's at the time saw that most of the money was proportioned to whoever had the highest vote in parliament and they saw it as a power grab by Trudeau to remain in power as when he rose to power he had the highest number of seats for the Liberal party in history at the time he wanted this measure brought in. They saw this as one of the reasons it was so hard for many years to unseat the Liberal party from power. They saw this as Liberal Tyranny which they swore they would eradicate.

I and the CHP party also wish to congradulate Lois Brown and those Social Conservatives who have been seen on question period wearing the white ribbon. This is another indication that we have a government under Stephen Harper which is trying in various ways to stand on principle. We only wish that the tax on Canadian of 220 Million dollars to fund 110,000 life threatening, indeed life ending procedures in Canada would also be cut. This tax is draconinan in that the vast majority of Canadians do not favour this high number of terminations of human life. This procedure is the highest elective surgery performed in our hospitals. Canadians are well aware of the wait times for surgery in our Country but not overly aware that this procedure is a main culprit in causing the wait times. This tax of 220 Million paid by Canadians is paid whether they agree with this free procedure being performed or not. That is what makes it draconian.

I and the CHP party also fully support the Conservatives in their desire to not increase our countries national debt. We are currently paying approximately 30% of every tax dollar to service debt. Under the Liberals not so many years ago we were paying closer to 40% of every dollar on debt.

Bravo Stephen Harper for listening and standing on principle. Bravo Lois Brown from the Newmarket Aurora riding for wearing the white ribbon.

If you are a person of faith reading this, obey Romans 13 and pray for this current sitting government.

Also in support of the Harper governements willingness to stand on principle read this excellent article by Timothy Bloedow.

Please sign the following petition as well.

See also the following article by Reuters Canada,
Harper has crushing poll lead on crisis...

Over 300 Million tax grab from Canadians by ruling parties since 2004
There is much higher funding to elected parties than most Canadians realize. Over 300 Million in public funding has been spent on the ruling parties since 2004. Read this article.

Poll Finds Majority of Canadians Want Abortion Limits,
Protections for UnbornOttawa, Canada ( -- A new poll of Canadians conducted by Environics and sponsored by the educational group LifeCanada finds a majority of Canadians want limits on abortion even though Canada is normally seen as an abortion-friendly nation. The results of the new survey are consistent with similar polls conducted in prior years. Canada allows abortions through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason and has very little in the way of limits -- but that's something Canadians appear to want to change. The survey found 6 in 10 respondents support legal protection for unborn children at some point before birth and only 33% support the current situation of protection only after birth. Once again, women polled showed far more support for protecting unborn children. A majority of Canadians support informed consent requirements before an abortion that would be consistent with the informed consent expected and provided before any legitimate surgical procedure. Almost two-thirds, 65%, of respondents agree that women considering abortion should be informed of the risks and possible consequences of the abortion. Full story at

World's Leading Internet Evangelist Calls for a National Day of Prayer
and Fasting for the Economy by Staff December 5, 2008 MEDIA ADVISORY, ( -- Bill Keller, founder of and the world's leading internet evangelist, is calling for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting for the Economy. By way of a petition to President Bush and Congress, Keller and 250,000 petitioners plan to ask the outgoing president to officially proclaim Thursday, December 18th as a National Day of Prayer.

In the face of a national crisis, declaring a National Day is something many former presidents have done. Accordingly, Keller has established a link to an online petition on his web site. Based on the interest and traffic to his site regarding the proposed National Day of Prayer and Fasting, Keller estimates that well over 250,000 signatures will be submitted for the petition.

Keller recently made national headlines when he claimed that God was using the economy to judge the nation for its sins. The reason, Keller explained, none of the solutions put forth by the world's greatest economists to correct the falling economy have worked is simple: the problem is not an economic one.

"The crisis is a spiritual problem," said Keller. "The answer to our economic downfall is not an infusion of trillions of dollars, but the humble prayers of forgiveness and repentance for our sin and rebellion against God." See Full story at ->

Final words,

The following is a quote from CHP Candidate Leslie Bartley which I concur with fully, "We should have an election that focuses on the real reason for this coup, the government funding of political parties. Canadian taxpayers should not be funding any party, let alone a separatist party that could not survive on its own fundraising efforts. Of course they get no sympathy from the CHP on this issue. Our policy is still the best. "

Please send an email if you wish to be added to the database to be notified when this blog is updated.

God Bless,


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Honour Government.

The Apostle Paul wrote some words about giving honor to government that I think is worth repeating now that the election is over.

Romans 13: 1 - 7 - 1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. (The New King James Version. 1982 (Ro 13:1-7). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.)

We had a very poor voter turn out to the election this year. I hope that doesn't mean that people are giving up on the belief that there is someone to vote for.

Please come back to this blog from time to time. I will continue to post news items occassionally, especially regarding some of the social needs of our community. There are some volunteer opportunities for service in the community that I unearthed while campaigning that you could help me with by letting me know you would be willing to volunteer. One example is a half way house called Newmarket Residence. Some entertainment for the folks there would be welcomed. Church groups who wish to host a praise night with these folks should contact me.

Stand Behind Lois and help her by joining the Conservative Party
I am grateful that Newmarket - Aurora had 3 persons of faith to chose from in this election. I congradulate Lois Brown for her opportunity to serve this constituency. I congradulate Lois for stating when asked in the final debate whether she was ProLife that she was. This demonstrated that she values her commitment to Christ above Party. Lois warned everyone that it wouldn't make a difference in Ottawa however. I also congradulate Dorion Baxter for speaking out in support of the faith statements that I made in my campaign.

I ask any who voted for Lois to join the Conservative Party and fight within the party for change. A riding could send a conservative to Ottawa who vows to fight the system if it choses to do so. Lois could follow the example of others who have tried to assert themselves. But here is the lay of the land that she is up against. The Prime Minister will not allow abortion to come to the floor anyway. If an independent bill were introduced then it would be a whipped vote. Thus, Lois Brown's personal viewpoint is immaterial to the question. Peter VanLoan in the Simcoe Grey riding also answered that he was personally prolife, when asked. However he also will vote along party lines or be sent to the back benches. Its the same for Lois if she breaks rank. Remember the fate of Bill C484. Women are not given the option to choose to have their baby for fear that it might affect a woman's right to kill her baby. Beyond this there is a reason why the Conservative Party will not allow the Abortion debate in parliament. The reason is that the party has between 20 to 60% Pro-Choice members in the party depending on who you ask. Harper has not cleaned house. Many Conservative MP's would quit if Abortion were allowed to be debated. So don't just vote. Join as I did in the past and advocate within if you are going to vote for their party. The same goes with the Liberal party. Join them and change them from within if you are going to vote for them.

ProLife Reiminder
I wish to remind anyone who voted for NDP that their party is officially Pro Abortion on Demand. Anyone voting for GREEN that their party is officially Pro legalization of Marijuanna, Pro Euthenasia, Pro Abortion on Demand. Anyone voting for Liberal or Conservative, because of hte mix of Pro choice and Pro Life in these parties nothing will ever happen under their leadership for this issue until they as a prty make a stand as Pro Life before they go into an election. Anyone voting for PC, there is a possibility they will make an official Pro Life stance, put pressure on them to do this, especially if you voted for them. People told me that I would fail if I bring up Prolife issues. My poor rating at the polls seems to indicate that but I beleive we have Prolife people who voted for the other parties, hoping for a hidden agenda. I don't expect that much will change either even though CHP clearly is officially Prolife as a party. I do not chastise anyone who is Prolife for staying within the strategic voting system. I only challenge them to, like you have never done before join these parties and do everything you can to shake them out from within so that they will act for you in future. Realize that 79 percent of Canadians are Pro Life.

Realize that 30 years of waiting for a change regarding this does not mean it has to take another 30 years to solve it. Realize that this is not the only issue where the moral compass of this country is needing correction. Just as you expect financial accountabliity within your family members, start to demanding that our national debt be paid off. I predict instead of this that with recent moves by the Conservatives the actual National Debt which is 1/2 Trillion currently will increase significantly in the years to come rather than reduce by the 3 Billion they promised. I hope I am not right. If I am right tell me to run again next time there is an election so we can tell the truth once again. If you get tired of nothing being done regarding the 220 Million dollars and 220,000 surgery hours wasted in our hospitals to terminate 110,000 Canadians lives each year and if you get tired of hearing we need ghettos in our cities to house 250,000 imigrants who we are inadequately allowing to integrate into our society each year, speak out about it. Help us to speak out about it.

Listen Live interview with Ray Luff on Internet Radio October 15th, 2008
The show went out live as a video cast as sceduled. Look back starting Friday of this week to be able to listen to the show in audio format. Ray is being sent the Video on DVD. A few weeks from now it may become available on Youtube. Starting Friday look back to this website to hear the archived podcast.

We thank the show "Cosmic Horizons" for having us on the air. They have indicated that they would like to have us on again to discuss more topics in the future. You can subscribe to cosmic Horizons to listen to all their future broadcasts at

Enjoy the Mock Grade 5 Election Debate

A Rally at Newmarket Town Hall Mulock drive,
There is a rally being held this Friday the 17th night at Newmarket City Hall on Mulock Drive by a group that advocates for the ending of homelessness.

You are invited to a Stand Up events in Newmarket this Friday, October 17th.
Date Time October 17, 2008 4:00 pm – 7:30 pmLocation: Newmarket Town Office395 Mulock Drive Newmarket, ON Contact Tom Pearson :: :: 289-221-0928Website here:

Ray will be attending and will keep you posted as to the outcome of this event.

October 17th is recognized by the U.N. as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This day is marked annually by events held around the world by poverty groups and was started to give a voice to those marginalized by poverty.
Newmarket has played York Region’s host for the past three years and has aided in setting a world record number of those standing up at once against poverty alongside other similar stand-up events around the globe. The local day will kick-off with a press conference at 4:00 pm this year and ends at 7:30 pm.

Last year, over 43 million people Stood Up to demand that world leaders keep their promises to end poverty and inequality . This year, help us break that record and send an even louder message to our governments.Learn more at :

What is Ray doing now after the election?
Ray will continue to advocate for the needs of the community and continue to seek media attention. It is not likely He will win an election any time soon based on the votes given in this election, but Ray did not enter this election to win, He entered it to speak the truth because our nation needs its moral compass adjusted in the Finances of our country, in the rights for all persons including those deemed not legal persons and there needs to be a war on poverty which must continue to be fought. Ray hopes to continue to fight with his pen after the election. He has written a few books that are available at the second hand book store on Davis Drive in the flee market. They will be available on the internet. More about these books will be posted here in the days to come. Ray also will be concentrating on his work as a director of an organization called ICC. This organization seeks to reach the Secular Humanist Western world with the truth that we are created beings in need of a right relationship with our Creator. For more about ICC go to this newly formed blog.

A Final Word,
Please come back to look at the blog occassionaly. The email campaign will now be slowed to a trickle. Perhaps twice a year at most between elections. Please email me to get directly on my email list for these occassional emails as most who received them are on other peoples email lists who were forwarding them for me. Some of those emails were forward many times. I figured out some connections to people who responded representing the 4th forwarding of the email.

All the votes for CHP - Ray Luff in this riding were not wasted; 211 in all. They represent likely 10x that number of persons who believed in what we said but were unwilling to step out of the 2 party strategic vote. Unfortunately also many never heard of us until they saw our name on the ballot. We hope they will know better by the next election. If you want me to run again join the CHP by visiting

It is a huge effort taking 5 weeks of time with no remuneration. It is worth it if those that voted for Ray believe in what was said and believe it needed to be said.

I will lobby all that he can with our Conservative Representative Lois Brown and PC Provincial MPP Frank Kleese for the things you bring to my attention between elections.

I can be found bloging at this other newly created site in the days to come.

If you join the CHP party you help our advocacy in future. If you chose to give any money to CHP up to 400 dollars in any given year, 300 of it is deductable on your income tax statement. Your gift will be used to continue our advocacy in many ways.

Let me thank every person who voted for us. Do not be dissapointed with the number. We did not do this just to win an election. We are trying to win the hearts and minds of fellow citizens of our Newmarket - Aurora riding. Congradulations to everyone who participated in this, who gave money, time and votes for this cause. Thanks to those who forwarded our message for the purpose of free speech even though they didn't plan to vote for us. Thanks to those who shook my hand and thanked me for what I did in this election but indicated they would vote for someone else. Thanks especially to those that voted their Conscinece! and Voted CHP - Ray Luff.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Homelessness happens quickly.

I spent over 10 years as a volunteer counsellor at Yonge Street Mission in Toronto. I remember a man who rented a home outside of Toronto. One day he was laid off. He decided to come down to Toronto to find work and left his wife with the kids. Six weeks later he was desperate, living in the Sally Ann; He was unkempt and he was in great despair. His wife and kids had been evicted and were living with her parents. His life had fallen apart. He became a homeless person to what to him seemed overnight. He had lost his family as well in the process.

The CHP platform has a plan to virtually end poverty by reducing the work force and making it available for those who need it, by offering 12,000 per year to couples to have one of them drop out of the workforce to raise their children.

Candidate Ray Luff - Christian Heritage Party

Written in response to this article reported by York Region News.

Another Good Article (112,000 at Risk)

Also Check out what the Salvation Army has to say at their website


CHP has Better Solutions for fighting poverty
CHP is against the issuing of tax-credits because they discriminate against the poorest members of our society who don't make enough to file a tax return. Instead

--- excerpted from CHP Platform at website ----
CHP wants to Introduce Family-friendly Childcare Allowance—$1,000 a month for families where one parent stays home to raise the children.
CHP policy, overall, reflects the conviction that the married two-parent family is the most important foundation of society. Public policy should reflect a recognition and protection of the important function of a family in training up the next generation of stable and responsible citizens. The CHP Family Friendly Childcare Allowance touches on child care, but in a way totally different from all of the other parties. It would provide $1000 per month to any family where one of the parents chose to stay home and raise their children—until age 18—unlike the current policy of $100 per month for children under 6.

The Conservatives recently added a $2000 per child tax credit—annually—which will provide about $310 per child in tax relief. Hardly what a family needs to help a parent stay home to raise their children. For real pro-family legislation, you need the CHP’s $12,000 annual childcare allowance.

The average take-home pay of a woman who works at a second job is under $1000 per month. We want to help her stay home and care for her children if that is what she wants, and surveys continually tell us that this is what she wants.

Additionally, it will open about 1.5 million existing job spaces -- mostly entry-level jobs, which would especially help to relieve youth unemployment -- and would reduce overall unemployment to between 3 and 5 per cent.

Now that’s a Better Solution!
--- End of Excerpt from CHP Platform. ----

For Better Solutions read the full CHP Platform here:

My own experience
Many don't know this but until age 8 I myself lived in a project called Edingarth court near Yorkdale mall. That is why poverty is one of my concerns and why I have invested many years of my life volunteering in various ways to help people who are under its weight. I have my father to thank that he managed to work his way out of the project by retraining and starting a career path in his early 30's. I also have the government to thank that back in the 1960's before our nation fell into what seems like insurmountable debt that made it more possible to work your way out of poverty. It doesn't seem so easy for folks today.

My wife and I bought our first home in what is called the patch. A subdivision of semi-detached homes on the east side of Yonge Street, across from Upper Canada Mall. We have been fortunate in various ways and hope to do whatever we can to help others as we have been helped.

Please do your part to get our blog news to your friends, neighbours and relatives. If you found this blog or were invited by someone to view it, please send an email with a link to it to all your friends and relatives. Our platform was not of great interest to the media. We need your help to get the word out to the 86,000 voters in our riding.
To send the strongest possible message go to the main CHP site and sign up as a member, especially if your are from outside the Newmarket - Aurora region and there is no CHP candidate for you to vote for on your ballot. There have been faithful members of the CHP in the Newmarket - Aurora riding waiting for the past 2 elections for a candidate to speak for them which I am now doing. Let us prove that we represent the people not just by votes at the ballot but by signed up memberships in the party.
The need for Rest - Reflecting on the message after attending Church on Sunday morning Oct 12th. I appreciated this morning a message that was given at a church we visited called "Salvation Army Northridge Community Church" in Newmarket. The message regarded the need for rest. We need to have rest in our society from our busy lives. We need times to reflect and appreciate all the good things that God has given us. Our party policy regarding having less workers in the workplace would have the side benefit of encouraging the retail operations to cut down on 24 hour shopping and Sunday shopping as workers will be harder to find. We hope they will be found at home with their families resting and nurturing the next generation of Canadians to have wholesome family values. Community involvement, volunteerism and time to consider our personal beliefs might also be fostered, when we take time to rest.

A final word to my readers on Thanksgiving day
I trust if you are reading this post on Oct 12th that you were able to rest today and celebrate Thanksgiving. At 7pm on Channel ten please consider watching the one hour debate that was recorded at Rogers TV. Let others know by sending them this email so they can tune in too. On election day VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE! I am not worried if you don't vote for me but reflect and decide where your vote will go that will do the most good for Canada. If you toss it our way then you are voting that the message matters more than winning. You are giving us a vote that will make our voice heard through the media later on. If we get enough votes they will listen. If we don't we may not be here next time.

Podcast Live Show 8:00pm on Wednesday Oct 15th.
Brad Snell who assists in putting out a well organized Podcast based internet radio show from an office building on Bay Street, Toronto was in the audience who heard my message to the Aurora Chamber of Commerce debate regarding the fact that no one shows concern for the ethics of where our borrowed national debt comes from. As a result he invited me to come to the studio downtown to as his guest to discuss this further at 8:00 pm on Wednesday. The other topic that may come up on the show will be the current bailouts of the banks including the Conservative Governments recent move this past Friday. CHP is the only party that stands for the elimination of the Public Debt during our lifetimes.

We may also touch on the topic of the current Green Shift and C02 hysteria.

Click on this address at 8pm Wednesday night to here me live on this show which will discuss the aftermath of the election 2008.

<< THE SPECIFIC LINK WILL BE HERE ON WEDNESSDAY >> A general link to the radio station for those interested is

I have decided that I will continue accepting such invitations after the election to continue to promote the CHP party between elections.

Did you miss the debates Click here to listen to Ray's answers at the Aurora Town hall Debate on October 6th.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

One last stop after the debate.

After the last debate on October 8th at Newmarket Theatre, Ray couldn't resist one more stop on the campaign trail. Ray has been trying to meet the residents of Newmarket and Aurora by stopping in at coffeeshops throughout the region. The car to look for is a 1987 Turbo T-Bird with a scrolling message sign on the back. Ray has a passion for these cars because they get 33 mpg on the highway and they have more horsepower than a 5.0 Litre Mustang at the same time. In the hopes they will be collectable in the future Ray has 3 of these old cars which he is lovingly restoring. It's been 20 years since Ford made these cars but the good news is they plan on bringing 4 cylinder Turbo's back starting in 2010. Let' hope for the ecologies sake that this time they will be here to stay. We could have saved possibly 10% or more of the consumption of fuel over the past 20 years if all the 5 passenger and down cars were turbo based vehicles. Ray believes in conserving the environment and conserving energy while using fiscal restraint. However Ray believes the Green Hysteria is misdirected regarding CO2 which is good for crops and only 2% of which is man made.

Caroline of Caroline's Caricatures is the person Ray is greeting in the second picture. Carolyn attended the debate and did some charicatures of the various candidates.

High quality copies of the below artwork are available from Carolyn.
Send me an email if you would like to get one sent you by email in high quality. I will put her in touch with you. There will be a nominal charge as Carolyn tries to make much needed income by this to help put bread and butter on her table.

Did you miss the debates
Click here to listen to Ray's answers at the Aurora Townhall Debate on October 6th.

Green Shift Histeria Unwaranted
At all 4 of the debates Ray Luff said that CHP stands for the abandoning of the hysteria of the Green movement. Last time we checked CO2 and Water Vapor are good for our crops. Only 2% of the CO2 is man-made. Viking’s grew grapes in Greenland 1000 years ago. Polar bears survived that warming period just fine. Scientists have noticed that the temperature on mars has also warmed lately. The only explanation they have is sunspot activity on the sun. The world has warmed only 0.7 degrees in the past 100 years. The billions of dollars being asked for by the Greens could be better spent to pay down the national debt.

None of the media seems interested in picking up this story or in checking out the facts to see if what he says is true. None of the other candidates challenged Ray. They had plenty of opportunity to have people who work for them check Ray's facts so that they could challenge his accuracy in the next debate. Is it possible that they found out he is right and it wouldn't have helped their cause to argue with him?

Carbon taxes and schemes will hurt Canada
I just signed an online petition at and hope that you will do the same. Carbon taxes and trading schemes will hurt Canada. In Europe, they have led to higher energy costs, fewer manufacturing jobs and expensive new programs to address "fuel poverty."
It's no surprise that new carbon taxes in Quebec and British Columbia are proving extremely unpopular. The idea that new taxes - making all of us poorer - is somehow going to change global temperatures is madness. We live in a cold country with long distances between us. Energy costs are high enough as it is. The Liberals propose a carbon tax; the Conservatives propose a 'cap and trade'. We are too complacent in this country. Join me in taking two minutes out of your day to send an important message to politicians of all stripes: enough! The CHP agrees! Enough!
Please sign the petition at and forward this email to anyone that you know who will join our important effort.

Meet and Greet any time between now and October 14th
I am inviting anyone who plans to vote their conscience and vote for CHP - Ray Luff in the upcomming election to drop by my home so I can shake their hand. I would like to give you a white ribbon as well to wear for the remainder of the campaign. Call my phone number ahead of time and I will tell you how to get to my house. (Also to make sure I am in.)

There will also be a get together at my home for those that are members of the CHP for the final countdown. If you are not a member because of size limitations please drop by for a meet and greet any time in the evening but if we run out of room it will have to be a short visit. But I do dearly want to meet and shake the hand of each and every one of you.

I want to meet everyone if possible who voted their conscience. It is not a vote for me, it is a vote for your conscience and I believe it will count in the same way that salt preserves meat. We want to preserve the society that we live in. We cannot do that if our voice is ignored because no one voted for us.

Breaking News

Harper Ditches Plans to Pull Tax Credits for Extremely Offensive Films

Harper Would Have to Personally Kill an Unborn Baby to Avoid the Hidden Agenda Charge


CHP News Releases

September 30, 2008 - CHP accuses Tories of 'cowardly silence'

September 29, 2008 - CHP switches lawsuit to a legal complaint

September 22, 2008 - CHP sues to open leaders' TV debates to all

September 18, 2008 - Dion's 'infrastructure bank' idea starts with a glaring fault

September 4, 2008 - As Harperites push for an election & try to buy votes: Tory tax cuts + lavish spending = $0.5 Billion deficit - in only two months!


Older CHP News Releases


Election 2008 Quick Reference to all the Party's platforms


Are you contributing to unfair voting practices?


Do you want to express your opinion about Politics in Canada?

Send Ray an email if you want him to debate you or add a contribution in this forum.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Do you know what a Roman Candle is?

I want to give a special pep talk to the troops supporting me in this riding.
There was a one year long party held by NERO in which Christians were tied to polls in his garden, doused with oil and asked if they wished to recant their belief that Christ had risen from the dead and that he now lived inside of them and will resurect them as well some day. When they said no they would not recant this the torch was pressed to them and they were lit up like candles for the amusement of the friends of NERO that were invited to the party.
You do not have to be a Christian to believe in your conscience that it should not be violated by government and that government must be held accountable. My story is just an example. Allow me to widen the scope of this by saying. The persuit of truth, justice and freedom of religion which is part of our Judeo Christian Heritage as a country is such that there are people who are willing to die for it. Our soldiers are another example of such resolve.
Canada sent more than their share of troops during both world wars becasue of the Canadian culture which fostered this. That is because there was a belief in truth and justice and that it was worth protecting. Today sadly our youth are struggling to find out what made our nation great and why we see ourselves in glowing terms on the world scene. We need to remind them of our resolve when many of us were Roman Candles so that they could have the freedoms they enjoy today.
Canada is a great nation because of our conviction and resolve to stand up for truth. I ask you will Canada continue to be great if we silence people who hold convictions? (See our post regarding Harpers efforts at this
Do you want a representative who is not saying what they mean and meaning what they say becuase they tow the party line which does not allow them to do this? Or do you want a representitive sent to Ottawa that will clearly state their convictions? I invite any of the candidates to stand out and speak their convictions. Be a Roman Candle. A Candle blowing in the wind but one that stands for truth despite the odds of society wanting to hear that truth. Wear the white ribbon if you believe in the right to life from inception to natural death. Don't tell me that you can't do this. We need candidates who we can trust who will not compromise their standards.
I had the opportunity many years ago to declare personal bankruptcy but did not. Others would have suffered harm who invested in me by that decision. The right thing to do is what is right and not what is expedient. I have never regreted my decision but I do not have as much material wealth today becasue of it. It took me 10 years of hard work to pay off those creditors before I could start my career after that as an investor. I missed out on 10 lucritive years in the market. But I can live with my conscience. That matters more. I learned a hard lesson that money is not all that matters. As a side benefit of my decision which I didn't think about then is that I could run in this race as a candidate now because if I owed anyone anything from the past my conscience wouldn't have allowed me to do this now.
In this election, winning is not all that matters. Standing for the truth in our society matters more. Even if it seems impossible to win. we need votes for candidates who say what they mean and mean what they say to represent us. I wish voters would stop telling me they agree with me. Over 54% of Canadians agree with CHP, more than any other party. Just tell me that you will vote with your conscience on election day and not compromise by voting for someone else who compromised.
My supporters in this riding are also Candles in the wind as Elton John's song goes. I thank you for your support.


Your chance to hear all the candidates
Make sure you hear the rogers debate or the Newmarket debate tonight. Come early as people were locked out in Aurora who didn't if you are comming to the Newmarket debate.

Rogers Cable Debate was recorded at 4 pm on Oct 7th.
Please record the show as it is mostly being broadcast during the daytime hours.

Broadcast times
Tuesday Oct 7.Tuesday
October 7 at 7 pm
Wednesday October 8 at 10 am
Wednesday October 8 at 3 pm
Thursday October 9 at 2 pm
Sunday Octover 12 at 7 pm

The townhall debate in Newmarket is to be held at 7 pm, Wednesday Oct 8th. Location: 505 Pickering Crescent at the Newmarket TheatreFor those who can't make it to any of the townhall events,or who would like to review what I am going to say ahead of time,

I have posted my opening speech.

My planned closing speach

Monday, October 6, 2008

Stewardship of the Environment

CHP recognizes that Mankind has been given the responsibility of being stewards of the earth. Listen to what one of our candidates in another riding, "Peter Vogel" has to say about his pioneering efforts at stewardship.

(look toward the bottom of this page for what he has posted on Youtube)

CHP Agrees with the following message regarding Carbon Taxes being nothing but a tax grab by the parties who are talking about it.

We also believe the Green movement is based on bad science. Listen carefully to what I have to say about this. Listen to my comments in my closing remarks that were delivered in the Aurora / Newmarket Debate.

The townhall debate in Aurora was held at 7 pm. Location: 150 Henderson Drive at Theatre Aurora
We were handing out ribbons for the right to life. We commend Dorion Baxter as the only other candidate that agreed to dawn the right to life symbol which stands for "the right to life from inception to natural death". Although other candidates said they agreed with it they refused to wear the ribbon. We advise anyone concerned about that to ask your candidate why they refused. We want the public who agrees with us to make a 3" x 1/4 inch ribbon pinned in a loop and wear it for the remainder of this election period. All the other parties have not only promised not to make this an election issue but they have also promised not to have it on their agenda if they are voted in.

There was a debate at Sacred Heart High School
It was for the students of Sacred Heart only. Not open to thep public at 8:30 am Tuesday October 7th. If you are fortunate to have a young person in your familly who attended the debate at that school ask them were their white ribbon is that we offered them which stands for the "right to life from inception to natural death". We asked the students to wear these if they believe in this issue until the election day. If anyone wants one email me.

We have a video of the questions and just Ray Luff's answers we are working on putting on You Tube. Come back here now and then to see if we have posted it yet.

Rogers Cable Debate was recorded at 4 pm on Oct 7th. Times aired on Channel 10:
Please set you pvr to record this event if you missed it on Tuesday Oct 7.

Tuesday October 7 at 7 pm
Wednesday October 8 at 10 am
Wednesday October 8 at 3 pm
Thursday October 9 at 2 pm
Sunday Octover 12 at 7 pm

The townhall debate in Newmarket is to be held at 7 pm, Wednesday Oct 8th. Location: 505 Pickering Crescent at the Newmarket Theatre

For those who can't make it to any of the townhall events,
or who would like to review what I am going to say ahead of time, I have posted my opening speech.

My planned closing speach

Advanced Polling is unfair to CHP
Advanced Polling is unfair to CHP as they are the only other legal Party. A party must have 50 ridings covered in order to issue tax receipts and have their name on the ballot. CHP is the only one that met that criteria with 62 candidates after the Green Party. The CHP lost millions of dollars of free advertising by being refused access to the same debates the Greens were given access to. Advanced polling has resulted in 1.5 million voters voting in ridings where their local townhall meetings and local cable broadcast debates which feature CHP candidates have not yet been held. Also repeated attempts to get into print media has been met with only limited success. We need all the time available to get our message out. Already I have had advanced poll voters apologizing to me becasue they did not know the CHP platform, claiming they would have voted CHP. If you agree with me write to the editor of your local paper. Make your complaint known. Also ask them why my picture was the only one not displayed in the paper and why the social conservative platform was not of interest to the local media. Send me a copy if you do write.

Vote Your Concience, Vote CHP, Vote Ray Luff!


For Further information:

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Why Human Rights Commissions?

Why does the Harper government allow Human rights commissions to exist? They do nothing but take away the rights of ordinary citizens. The doctors recently were targeted by them. They were told to check their beliefs at the door and perform functions that they deem unethical and against their conscience rather than referring patients as is the practice now when a doctor finds it against their sense of right and wrong to obey a patients request. The government failed to define what those requests are but wanted full compliance of the doctors to this demand to be willing to go against their own personal sense of morality.)-We believe the problem is that Governments have come to believe in the Supremacy of government rather than as our constitution states “the Supremacy of God” over our country. (

"Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:"
Governments become unaccountable to the public when there is no higher authority over them. If you do not believe in God then we ask that you believe in your Conscience. Do you want a government that will force you to act against your conscience?
Why are we blaming the current sitting government for the Human rights commissions. Because they are silent on the matter. We want a position to be stated by them. No other party is stating their position regarding the current gross violations of human rights that are happening by non-elected government funded tribunals which have been allowed to run rough shod throughout our land. We want whoever rules our country after this election to reign in these agencies and restore to Canadians the due process of law which is part of our heritage. We also believe when it comes to the issuance of laws that affect the moral judgements of our country that Ottawa is responsible for protecting the rights of citizens.
In 1929 Parliament trumped the Supreme court of Canada decision that women are not legally persons by declaring that women are legally citizens. Parliament has been sitting lame regardless of whether the liberals or the conservatives have been in power since then. We call on them to declare that the unborn are legally citizens. We call on them to declare that human rights tribunals are to be disbanded in our nation as we have the courts and parliament to decide the rights of our citizens. We call on the Parliament to obey the charter which says that all citizens have equal rights in our country. We call on government to get rid of Tribunals and to examine the Supreme Court of Canada judgements to see if they are contstitutional based on 1982 Charter which states that "Canada is a Nation which recognizes the Supremacy of God."
We call on the Conservative Party to change their governing principles which are unconstitutional from asking for a pledge from their members to the Supremacy of Government and the rule of law to a pledge to uphold the constitution a pledge to the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law. We call on this for the other parties as well. How can we sing "God save our land" otherwise?
Let me know what you think.

For Further information:

Join our White Ribbon Campaign

Read about Larry Spencer's experience in Ottawa. Larry was a sitting MP who is now with the CHP Party.

Another book I recommend is called "No Sacred Ground - Human Rights Thought Police clamping down on Christians" You can find it at this website.

Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,Hold our Dominion, in thy loving care.Help us to find, O God, in thee,A lasting rich reward.As waiting for the better day,We ever stand on guard.

Did you know that we refer to God on all the coins we carry in our pockets?

D - Dao = God

G - Gracia = Gracious

Regina = Queen

This is latin for "The Queen by the grace of God"

This inscription is added becasue we want a Queen that is subject to a higher authority. Thats why we used to sing "God save the Queen". We still sing "God save our land" in the national anthem becasue we want a government that is subject to a higher authority.

Did you know that Canada's original name was "Dominion of Canada" because a verse of scripture was discussed by our founding fathers found in Psalm 72:8 which says "He shall have dominion from sea to sea". The founding fathers prayed for 3 hours about this in the Parliament and then decided to name our country "Dominion of Canada" rather than just "Canada". Later on to commemorate this decision it was inscribed over the archway to the peace tower. These things were done to remind future generations just as the CHP is doing about the Heritage of our Land.

Did you know there are 3 more verses to "O Canada"?
1. O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

2. O Canada! Where pines and maples grow,
Great prairies spread and Lordly rivers flow!
How dear to us thy broad domain, From East to Western sea!
The land of hope for all who toil, The true North strong and free!

3. O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies,
May Stalwart sons, and gentle maidens rise.
To keep thee steadfast thro' the years, From East to Western sea.
Our own beloved native land, Our true North strong and free!

4. Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
Hold our Dominion, in thy loving care. Help us to find, O God,
in thee, A lasting rich reward.
As waiting for the better day, We ever stand on guard.
Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,

4th verse refrain:
Hold our Dominion, in thy loving care.
Help us to find, O God, in thee,A lasting rich reward.
As waiting for the better day,We ever stand on guard.

What about seperation of church and state?
Canada was not a theocracy in times past when these references to God were made in our society. We want to return Canada to its Heritage. We at CHP believe in seperation of church and state, but Canada has become so seperate that it is losing its lustre as the great and free society that it once was. We want to return Canada to its greatness. No one need fear our intentions as the great freedoms and due process of law that we enjoy are due to the Christian Heritage that made our country great. There is room in our Canadian heritage for other religions and beliefs as freedom and liberty are at the core of the Judeo Christian values that our great country were originally built on.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

CHP says Kill Bill C51 & C52

Ray Spoke at Nature's Emprium at 7pm on October 3rd, 2008
Ray presented his party's platform and then addressed Bills C51 & Bill C52 that were before the house before this election was called which take away due process of law if they are to be enacted.

CHP has definitely come out against Bill C51 and Bill C52. We also are against allowing our government to adopt standards from either the FDA in the USA or the World Health Organization of the European Union without our own investigation of those standards.

Bill C51 & Bill C52 would allow the civil servants of our country to make a law which does not have to be read in Parliament, does not have to pass the judgement of our court system, does not require warrants for arrest and allows for penalties for infractions to be increased from $5,000.00 per infraction to $250,000.00 per infraction. Enough to bankrupt an independent retailer. This is a circumvention of the due process of law and is a draconian overstepping of the authority of a government which thinks they hold Supremacy. Our charter says that we are a country which recognizes the Supremacy of God.

If you don't believe there is a God we ask you to think about your conscience. Do you want a government that violates your conscience? CHP stands for freedom of religion, thought and practice providing you do not harm the freedoms of others. There are 62 Ridings where CHP is on the ballot. Newmarket is one of them. Help us to send a clear message to Ottawa.
The Conservative minority government introduced these bills. It is feared that if they get a majority they will rush these bills through parliament. IF You want C51 and C52 scrapped then VOTE CHP. VOTE RAY LUFF in the upcoming election.
To see what Ron Gray our party leader has to say.
To invite Ray to speak to a group of citizens of Newmarket - Aurora contact him directly

Get your white ribbon that night as well.

Ray Luff,

Ray Luff will was on CFRB live at 2:45 Nation wide on October 3rd,2008. To hear what he had to say click on the following link.

Ray was on A News on October 1st, 2008 at 6pm for a brief interview. Some of you saw it.


Sign up to be a member of CHP only $5. Join the party even if you have no CHP candidate in your riding so we can get a candidate for you to vote for in the next election. We are fast growing. We have 62 of the 300 ridings covered in this election. That is up from 45 candidates in the last election. Help us to send our candidate to your townhall debates in the next election. Be brave and join so that we can field candidates in all 300 ridings in the next election.

Or email me and I will sign you up personally

Ray Luff,

View Some Video Messages from Ron Gray

Ron Gray debunks some of the things being talked about in this election and he expands on some things that are being said. -

Compare the top 5 party platforms. (Quebec Seperatist Party not included)

Compare the views of candidates as published by Campaign Life for your riding

See what an organization called Christian Government has to say

Not Now, Not Ever Will Conservatives Protect Unborn.

Prime Minister Harper: Not Now, Not Ever Will Conservative Government Protect Unborn Children "This government will not open, will not permit anyone to open the abortion debate"

By John-Henry Westen

OTTAWA, September 29, 2008 ( - In his strongest statements in support of unlimited abortion on demand in Canada, Prime Minister Harper today told reporters that his government would not only not open the abortion issue itself, but would prevent anyone else from raising it...

The full text of the story is available at:
The Globe and mail just picked this story up as well:
Another article by Ron Gray leader of the CHP on this topic:
Does Harper have a hidden agenda? Let me remind folks that many social conservatives voted for Hitler becasue they didn't believe what he said in Mein Kempf. What is Harper saying? And what is he not allowing his candidates to say?

If "life for the unborn from inception to natural death" is an important topic to you then wear a white ribbon for the remainder of the election. Contact us for one. More about this.

Do you know what a Roman Candle is?
There was a one year long party held by NERO in which Christians were tied to polls in his garden, doused with oil and asked if they wished to recant their belief that Christ had risen from the dead and that he now lived inside of them and will resurect them as well some day. When they said no they would not recant this the torch was pressed to them and they were lit up like candles for the amusement of the friends of NERO invited to the party.

The persuit of truth, justice and freedom of religion which is part of our Judeo Christian Heritage as a country is such that there are people who are willing to die for it. Our soldiers are another example of such resolve.

Do you want a representative who is not saying what they mean and meaning what they say becuase they tow the party line which does not allow them to do this? Or do you want a representitive sent to Ottawa that will clearly state their convictions? I invite any of the candidates to stand out and speak their convictions. Be a Roman Candle. A Candle blowing in the wind but one that stands for truth despite the odds of society wanting to hear that truth. Wear the white ribbon if you believe in the right to life from inception to natural death. Don't tell me that you can't do this. We need candidates who we can trust who will not compromise their standards.
Even if it seems impossible to win we need votes for Candidates who say what they mean and mean what they say to represent us. I wish voters would stop telling me they agree with me. Over 54% of Canadians agree with CHP, more than any other party. Just tell me that you will vote with your conscience on election day and not compromise by voting for someone else who compromised.
I had the opportunity many years ago to declare personal bankruptcy but did not. Others would have suffered harm who invested in me by that decision. The right thing to do is what is right and not what is expedient. I have never regreted my decision but I do not have as much material wealth today becasue of it. It took me 10 years of hard work to pay off those creditors before I could start my career after that as an investor. I missed out on 10 lucritive years in the market. But I can live with my conscience. That matters more. As a side benefit of my decision which I didn't think about then is that I could run in this race as a Candidate now because if I owed anyone anything from the past my conscience wouldn't have allowed me to do this now.
Winning is not all that matters. Standing for the truth in our society matters more.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Tories targeted our riding as key to this election.

Newmarket - Aurora riding is one of the ridings especially of concern to the Tories. This means that our riding will be listened to carefully to see why people have voted the way that they did when the election is over. You have a chance to make your vote heard all the way back to Ottawa. We are not worried about spliting the right. We beleive if our "bell - weather" riding does not turn out as expected or with the landslide expected that the word will get out that there are "Social Conservative" values in our riding that are not making it into the public platform of the Main stream conservative party. This is your chance to be heard by the rest of the country. Do not worry about the elections outcome or who will get in. Worry that your concerns will be noticed. If you have concerns similar to the ones I raise and you don't vote for them, dont expect the rest of the country to listen to them.

Harper says there are social conservatives in his party but he has not proven he is listening to them. He says he's a fiscal conservative. We have a problem with that when he has no plan to pay off the debt on a mortgage schedule. 600 billion. Only 3 billion will be paid down this year by paying 33 billion interest plus 3 billion principle. We say pay 48 billion total to arrest 15 billion from our debt this year. Do this and the power of compounding will get us out of debt in the next 30 years so that we don't perpetrate a crime on future generations by leaving it to them.

Harper and the Liberals are both offering to fix day-care so that more famillies can have publicly funded daycare. Approximately 20% of Candians now use daycare. We all pay for it. When polled Canadians would rather have a spouse, relative or neighbour look after thier children. Statistics prove that children who have more personal and less institutonal contact during their formative years are less angry and require less social services and remedial help in their education and ultimately in fitting into society. We want the ruling government to stop offering day-care plans and offer instead 1000 dollars per month tax allowance to any couple willing to keep one of members out of the work force to raise the next generation of Canadian Citizens. This is far better than going off to work to have someone else raise your kids. It will result in virtually no unemployement, lessened wellfare, lessened avialability of workers causing employers to possibly reduce blue collar services to white class workers, such as 24 hour shopping. This would allow people to rest and enjoy life. We need to improve the quality of life for Canadians, especially our Blue collar workers who provide services to the rest of us who take them for granted. I have interviewed many who have no feeling of familly life and who are not happy about the way things are for them in our society. They get ignored by the types that work in regular jobs 9 to 5 jobs and are uneffected so directly by the demands of our society on our working citizens all around them. We would also save the 50 dollar per child per day cost that the same workers pay in taxes to cover the free daycare offered. They don't see this directly but it shows up on their tax return as a hidden cost that all Canadians pay a portion of. The first 6,000 dollars of the average tax return goes to paying the national debt.

Our message to all the other parties is stop offering us big election promises that inevitably will pull more money from our back pockets when we fill in our tax returns. Just get us out of debt. Do this so that what is happening in the USA will not affect as much as it does right now in the future. Insulate our country by doing something better than our neighbour to the south with our money.

--- The Article I am refering to, regarding the importance of our riding ---

Tories targeting 40 key unheld ridings in Quebec, Ontario
A Hill Times article by Simon Doyle, Abbas Rana and Bea Vongdouanchanh documents the 40 Conservative targeted ridings. The in-paper version included a table of the ridings, and I've linked this article with the 40 ridings so people will know if they are one of them.
Please try to talk to all Candidates about copyright, but especially talk to the Conservatives in these ridings. It would be great if during this election that the Conservatives could find their "Charlie Angus" -- someone who can switch the party from being anti-technology/modernization to being an advocate.
By Russell McOrmond at 2008/09/29 - 10:25 read more Russell McOrmond's blog

This is repeated from

Events comming up:

I will be speaking at Natures Emporium on Oct 3rd at 7 pm until 8:30 pm. You ought to know about how the rights of Candians are being violated and how due process of law is being circumvented with Bill C51 and Bill C52. The discussion will include the abuses that are happening by Human Rights tribunals accross our land. We want to know why none of the other parties are speaking out against it.

Nature's Emporium
Your leading organic and health food store in Newmarket
16655 Yonge StNewmarket, ONL3X 1V6Canada
Tel. (905) 898-1844 ext. #110Fax. (905) 898-0237

It is confirmed that I am invited to the Aurora Town Hall debate on Oct 6th. Please see your local paper for details.

It is confirmed that I am invited to the Jeniffer Harrison hosted debate at Rogers TV on Oct 7th. Watch for this to be on TV at 5 pm live on Oct 7th and thereafter it should be repeated.

It is confirmed that I am invited to the Town Hall debate to be held at the Newmarket Theatre on Oct 8th. Please see your local paper for details.

Look for the ERA Banner this week. I should have an article in there along with the other candidates. If my picture is not included this time please call in to complaign. All other 5 candidates have had their picutre in the Banner so far but mine was not put in. The Banner says they hope to remedy that situation. Please assist in making that hope come true.

Ray Luff Toronto Star Sept 25,2008.

We made it into the Toronto Star on Sept 25th. If anyone has the original article, please let me know so I can pick it up from you for my scrap book. Unfortunately corrections I sent in for some typos did not make it into the article. I do not want people to drop out of society I want them to drop out of the workforce to raise our future generation of children. We want a 1000 dollar per month familly friendly tax allowance not credit. If you can bear with the few typos I believe you will agree with what was said in the article. (I took the liberty to make these corrections here on the blog. You may go to the link to the star to see the published version.)

Ray Luff - Candidate Profile - Ray Luff

Supplied Photo

Ray Luff is running for the Christian Heritage Party of Canada in Newmarket-Aurora.
September 25, 2008
Age: 48
Marital Status: Married
Children: 3
Occupation: I.S. Managment Consultant to some of Canadas Largest Corporations, municipal governments and Crown institutions. Notable clients have included the Ministry of Revenue of Ontario, Ontario Hydro, IBM, FEDEX in the USA and Accenture.
Education: Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Peoplesoft CRM Certification,
Offices previously held or contested: None.
Political heroes: My political Hero is Daniel of the Bible. He was willing to stand up for what he believes and he was willing to go into a fiery furnace for what he did and what he said to the ruler of his day and I love the fact that he survived it.
Most important issue: Our riding has fiscal concerns. Our country owes 600 Billion on the national debt. While we are pleased that recently the debt was reduced by 40 Billion dollars, we are greatly concerned that the current combination of unbridled government spending and tax giveaways has lessened their current commitment to paying just 3 Billion this year. If the government can chose from year to year whatever amount they want without being held to an amortization schedule they will inevitably pass debt to future generations. Doing so is fraud and theft from future generations and is a drain on the economy which consumes currently 6,000 dollars per household in unnecessary interest on the debt payments each year they file their income taxes. No wonder why we have 2 income families. We need one income to pay for this so we can keep the other one if we are lucky enough to have equal earning categories. We also propose to help families that we take away excess spending from the government and use it to allow us to move toward income tax splitting between spouses. This and future debt reduction would slowly allow more and more members of our society to opt out of the workforce to give more attention to raising our future generation of citizens and it will allow for more home care provision in neighborhoods by those that are able to stay at home because of the changes to what we will call "family income tax" laws. We would want these laws to be enshrined in principles which require that further tweaking in the future meet the requirement of improving conditions for young families with the goal in mind of encouraging home ownership for more people in our society and more options for either spouse to opt out of the work force. We feel that this will cause job pay rates to increase for those remaining in the workforce which will further benefit families. As the only party which has gone on record as believing in the right to life from inception to natural death we believe that giving people more opportunity to opt out of the work force will allow them to start families at a younger age. This in turn will allow for some progress in reducing the current abortion rate of 110,000 per year as people stop having abortions merely for economic reasons to delay raising a family later in life when it is hope it will be more affordable. We propose an increased tax allowance of 1000 dollars per month for any family that wants to keep a spouse at home. We will save 2,000 for every abortion spared toward funding this (currently 220 Million per year in Canada) We will stop funding the 3 million being given to prochoice lobbying groups. Most people don't know that Harper increased it from 1.1 to 3.0 million as soon as he got int office. We will find other sources of wasted government spending which is designed to promote the rights of the minority of Canadians pitted against the rights of the majority of Canadians.
Why you entered politics: I was finding that no elected party was being fiscally responsible and offering a plan to pay off our National debt on amortization schedule so that it would be paid off within my lifetime. I was also finding that you can be the majority in Canada and not have your interests protected at the expense of minority interests. I find that there is no party standing for what Canadians want. Many want to protest but they don't know how. I felt that there was a piece of the pie missing on the election ballot and CHP has come along to provide that missing option that Canadians need so they can send a clear message back to Ottawa. I thought finally there is a party not asking me to compromise my convictions for whom I can vote with my conscience rather than against it in the vague hope that my social concerns for this country will be satisfied. Since joining this small party however I have also discovered inequities in our electoral process that are ignored by the governments in power who are not affected. I discovered that we donýt get part for the 30 million that the elected parties get to run their campaigns nor the 2 dollars per vote because they have made it hard for the underdog to speak out for what they believe in, in our society. Pierre Trudea started this practice in 1968. None of the parties once elected speak out against it once they are at the trough themselves. It is time for it to stop and that 30 Million can also be given back to families as well. They are the ones that ultimately earn it. Give it back to them. We want to see the playing field leveled to make elections fairer for all Canadians. Look at all the big signs of the main parites and realize that you paid for them . It was a fraud against you as a citizen. We suggest that you be allowed to allocate which party you would like supported with you tax vote on your tax return. You may chose any legally registered party in Canada as your choice, rather than letting them do it for you which discriminates against the upcoming parties in our electoral system.